About Me...
I am the owner, designer, and sole creator of both KM Designs Pattern Co and KM Designs (custom handmade accessories) - based in Vero Beach, Florida.
I work from a home studio. In the last 7 years it has evolved from one collapsible craft table to a room with dedicated work areas. I mainly made custom quilts, until one day my mother asked "Could you make me a purse?" and my vision shifted from quilts to handbags and wallets.
When I was young, I would watch my mother and grandmother sew. My grandfather was a woodworker and my father was always working on some project or another. So, creativity is in my blood. Other than Home Economics in high school, I have no conventional training. I have learned everything by trial and error. It's not been quick or easy but it has been the most amazing learning experience ever!
Now, I devote all my free time to designing, creating and writing patterns for unique wallets and handbags made mostly from Cork. When I create a design, I strive to make them functional, fashionable and easy for everyone to create.
And if you ever need any help, just ask...its what I'm here for